Friday, January 29, 2010

If these Walls Could talk

If these Walls Could Talk

If our walls could talk, they would beg us to hang art on them! How do you convince your significant other that it is okay to hang your art on the walls? Sometimes it’s the fear that too many holes will be in the wall due to mistakes-not so! Yes, you may get some holes in your walls, but with some care each hole will have a nail with art hanging from it. It does take some time and patience to hang art. Here’s how I do it;

Get out all the art you are wanting to hang. Think about hanging it in groupings, rather than haphazardly here and there. A grouping also draws you eye to the art, and actually can make it a focal point. I play with arrangements on the floor, and trace all the frames onto manila paper. Then, transfer your paper arrangement to the wall using blue tape, and be sure to mark where the nail holes will go. Make sure you like your arrangement and check that everything is level. Hammer in your nails, remove the paper, and hang your art!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Impressions

When choosing colors for the exterior of your home, don't forget the "rule of three". I recommend using three colors for the exterior-one color for the main,one color for the trim, and a third color for the door. The exterior of our home is the first impression or "curb appeal" that people notice about your home.

Even more important is the front door because that stands out as well. Having it an accent color will help to draw the eye to the door. Often I will choose a darker color for the trim than the main house color, and then a dark color for the door as well. An example of a color palette is a dolphin grey for the main house color, burgundy trim, and a blue door.

Painting your home can give it an entirely new look!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Light up your Life

Lighting is a great way to add ambiance to a room. Overhead lighting is wonderful in the kitchen, bathroom and closets, but some rooms call for a more ambient (or mood) light that lamps can provide.

The bedroom is a wonderful place for lamps-overhead lighting can be harsh and cold here. Many lamps come with three way switching that provides three different lighting options when switched on. Another way to achieve ambient lighting is to use a dimmer on a cord. It simply plugs into the wall to provide you that option of turning the light up or down to your preference. Google "dimmer switch plugs" to come up with a variety of sources.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shop at Home

It's a new year, and along with wanting to change our habits, it's also fun to change our homes a bit. I'm not talking about a complete overhaul here, just some simple ways to change your home by "shopping your home"-and it doesn't cost a thing, just some imagination on your part!

I love going from room to room to "borrow" things or use them for other than their intended purpose.

For instance, I received a beautiful, ornate, rich tapestry scarf for Christmas. It ended up being draped over my slipper chair in my family room. I loved how the rich reds in the scarf looked over the brown fabric of the chair. So, there it has stayed. It also provides a little extra warmth when I read at night. The best thing is I can still use it as a scarf!

Another very simple thing I did was borrow my cute cast iron place card holders from my dining room. They are in the shape of bunnies and look darling frolicking among my hurricane vases. It's also a little hint of what's to come-spring!

Those are a couple of fun ideas of how to use your items in your home in new ways. What can you find when you "shop your home"?