I have always had an interest in being as good to the earth as I possibly can. Recently, I've made some changes to be even better, I'm trying hard to shop locally. I mean really locally, as in my small town I live in. Now, it's not that I won't travel out of the area or do without, but this economy has really made me think about how we can all help to keep the stores that we love open. Shop there!
Our small town has had a rash of businesses close, from a small family owned bookstore (that I miss so much!), the closure of a wonderful consignment store, to a larger regional big box store closing. Our bank has even been bought out by a national one!
So, in this effort here are some changes I've made recently to keep my dollars local. I've recently decided to get my haircut locally by a friend. I was very attached to the gal who has cut it for years, but I was travelling 40 miles round trip and about three hours of my time. So, now I'll go to a friends' who is one minute away! My daughter and I can even ride our bikes there!
I've also recently changed banks in an effort to keep the dollars local, so to speak! I also try to save up my errands, rather than doing one here, one there. It saves on gas and money.
It's our fourth year of having our own vegetable garden. It's very relaxing to work in the garden, and it teachers good lessons to our children, who help out here and there! They've even entered the garden in a local garden contest twice! We're all new gardeners, but we're trying to instill in our children that you can do what you set out to do! And they even won in the garden show twice!
I've also decide to go to the grocery store only once a week. I shop by my list which I've made from my menu for the week. My menu often consists of what ads I find in the grocery store paper. If we run out of something (well, milk we will get) then we just live with out it until I do the next weeks shopping. As I"ve often found that if I run to the store for one item, I usually end up with much more (especially if my son or daughter are with me!)
What does this all have to do with a interior design blog you ask? Well, plenty. All of these things are good for the earth, and our home. I also do a lot of design shopping locally at our Target (www.target.com) store, and find myself sending a lot of client that way, too. They have a wonderful selection of home decor furniture and accessories, and fabulous sales too!
So, at the end of the day, I'm feeling good about these small changes I'm making to make life easier and simpler and keeping our dollars locally. It adds up when so many people are doing the same!
So, here's to being good to the earth! A bit late for Earth Day, yes,....but Earth Day should be 365 days a year!