Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shop at Home

It's a new year, and along with wanting to change our habits, it's also fun to change our homes a bit. I'm not talking about a complete overhaul here, just some simple ways to change your home by "shopping your home"-and it doesn't cost a thing, just some imagination on your part!

I love going from room to room to "borrow" things or use them for other than their intended purpose.

For instance, I received a beautiful, ornate, rich tapestry scarf for Christmas. It ended up being draped over my slipper chair in my family room. I loved how the rich reds in the scarf looked over the brown fabric of the chair. So, there it has stayed. It also provides a little extra warmth when I read at night. The best thing is I can still use it as a scarf!

Another very simple thing I did was borrow my cute cast iron place card holders from my dining room. They are in the shape of bunnies and look darling frolicking among my hurricane vases. It's also a little hint of what's to come-spring!

Those are a couple of fun ideas of how to use your items in your home in new ways. What can you find when you "shop your home"?