We all have our favorite places to shop. As a designer I have a lot of favorite places, and will share a couple with you. For great info on organizing tips, products and even custom organizing check out www.efficientorganization.wordpress.com and www.cleartheclutterprofessionalorganizing.blogspot.com In need of some custom framing, framing supplies or gifts? Check out www.offsetcorner.com The owner is having a fantastic sale; all pre-framed store art is 50% off. They feature floral, fishing, golf, animal and landscape framed art. Posters are $5.00-$15.00. "Oops" frames are $5.00-$35.00, most including glass and backing. They are also taking custom frame orders now through November 15th, before they close their doors for good. Please visit this fantastic store while there's till time!
Happy shopping!