Often people may hesitate when deciding whether or not to hire a designer. They think it will cost to much, be a hassle, etc. Actually, like a contractor can bring specialized workers to a project, designers can bring specialized products and services to you. Many times, designers can bring you products and knowledge that otherwise may not be available to the general public.
Designers may have great cost cutting ideas, and wonderful local shopping haunts as well. Now, what about the cost issue, you ask? Some designers charge an hourly rate for designing, shopping, and consulting. Also, they may mark up products or services they include in the project. Some designers only charge a mark up on products. At Distinctive Interior Designs we charge an hourly rate as well as a slight mark up on products. We feel this is the most fair, as we charge for our time, allowing for a smaller mark up on products. So, you know that the products we offer you are the best pricing possible.
What is important to us is that you love your new space! We work very hard to bring you the best products and services for the project. We also love sharing our ideas with you, often igniting an idea that you may have never considered, but ultimately love! Happy decorating!